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Lucid has

Lucid has

Lucid has

Lucid has

Lucid has

Lucid has

History of


Honourable Mentions

A list of the most notable people who have helped Lucid in the past 5 years.

#1 - Jc

Jc is the person I created the guild with back in 2018. They helped us get it all the way up to level 15. The first Officer in the guild!

#2 - spicily

spicily was the co-leader of the guild with me until 2020. Us two together went from #1000 on the guild leaderboard to #15.

#3 - Kanabayashi

Kanabayashi was the the first ever Lucid member, and eventually worked his way up to Leader where he helped us grow to a leaderboard guild.

#4 - undisplayed

undis is the most loyal person in the guild. He joined on October 20th 2018, and still hasn't left. That's 1800+ days!

#5 - Local

Local stepped up when spicily and Kanabayashi quit, without him, the guild would've died in 2021.

#6 - U9C

The absolute saviour of the guild. Was the sole reason for our growth since late 2021. The man responsible for the release of our secondary guild, Lucid Vanillemilch. I have much love for this man.

#7 - uwuhanna

uwuhanna is the guild master of our secondary guild, Lucid Vanillemilch. Her care for the community is unmatched and I'm looking forward to seeing where LVM goes!

#8 - SimplyNo

SimplyNo is our bot developer. He has put hundreds of hours into our bot and I can't thank him enough.

#9 - All Ex-Lucid Staff

This is more of a general one, but everyone that has helped grow our community is worthy of this shout out. From recruitment to activity growth. I thank you all!

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